Every now and then, you hear the term “Mercury retrograde,” whether you believe in astrology or not. It is one of the most popular happenings of the sky, and there is a reason why: The retrograde happens three or four times a year, and it lasts three weeks. You can say that it is the most frequent astrological event after the full moon that happens once a month.

mercury retrograde precautions

Another reason why the Mercury retrograde is so popular is the bad reputation it has that’s being overrated if you ask us. Yes, Mercury is the planet of communications, so in an age when everything is connected via the internet, we live the consequences of the retrograde more than ever. But still, there’s nothing to worry about if you take the precautions before the retrograde. And we’re here to help. This month on the 17th, Mercury will retrograde for the first time in 2020, and in this article, we’re going to tell you why you shouldn’t worry. If you want to know how the retrograde will affect your mood this month, you can check out our monthly astrology predictions, where we shared pro tips on how to take advantage of the retrograde.

Why is Mercury Retrograde considered a bad thing?

Well, as we’ve mentioned above, the first reason why is that it happens a lot. And the second reason we blame everything on Mercury these days is pop culture. A few years back, Taylor Swift made some comments on why the retrograde will mess with our lives, and the event gained its horrible reputation. Yes, Mercury slows its pace during the retrograde, and some misfortunate events may happen in our communicative sides, but that’s no reason to freak out.

mercury retrograde precautions

What should you do during the Mercury Retrograde?

Go into silent mode

Since the retrograde affects our communicative sides in a bad way, the most reasonable thing to do during the scapegoated event is to connect with ourselves. And when you think about it, it all makes sense. Not worrying about others and going into silent mode three or four times a year is a great way to relax our minds. People pay good money for retreat camps, so why not retreat for a couple of weeks in your own comfort zone?

Finish what you’ve started

The majority of astrologists recommend not to begin a new project or relationship when Mercury goes retro. But on the other hand, if you’ve got something you’re working on, it’s a great time to complete the task and begin a fresh chapter after the retrograde.

Backup your data

Although it’s not pretty common for technological devices to die when Mercury is in retrograde, the stakes are higher during that period. Backing up your data is always a safe idea, whether there’s a retrograde or not.

Try not to spend money

We know; it can be hard to minimize your expenses for three weeks. But believe us, the Mercury retrograde is a great time to save money. If you have plans to buy something week, we hope that it can wait for a little while. On the bright side, you may save some money and maybe buy a better model of whatever you’re planning to purchase.

Be extra empathetic

If you’ve read this far, you know that Mercury’s biggest influence is on communications. There can be a lot of misunderstandings while talking to others. To prevent heartbreaks, try and be more understanding and see things from others’ perspectives during the Mercury retrograde.

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