The planets have a big message for us this week, and that’s “change.” Sun and Pluto are getting into a harsh contact, which eventually leads to great transformation in our daily lives. And when you think about the times we’re in, it makes sense. We’re reconstructing our routines and finding new ways to make things work. The shift in Pluto and Sun is just reminding us the sooner, the better.


Weekly Horoscope April 13 – 19, 2020


aries sign symbol


Aries: The Sun is still in your sign, which always means a party for Aries. And this week, it’s also a great time to do some renovation with your house. Well, everybody’s home, give it a try. You may also expect some action in your romance and career, and you’ll be the one to pick which. Love or money. Make your choice, and take action!


Taurus sign symbol


Taurus: Thanks to Venus, you are handling this lockdown with a clear mind, especially on the financial front. And since the Sun is about to enter your sign, even better days are around the corner for you. This week, we recommend you a deep dive into your interests, because your learning channels are wide open.


Gemini sign symbol


Gemini: You are feeling extra sentimental and fragile, and when you add our lockdown situation to the picture, it must be a mess in your head. This week, things may become a little more intense, but if you manage to stay alone and take a journey inside your soul, you’ll come out of this process even better. Think of this week as a resting time, and try to take as few responsibilities as possible.

Cancer sign symbol


Cancer: The Sun is still at the top of your chart, and this makes you and extra loved person. Well, we know you didn’t need any extra admiration, but it’s a good idea to use this power and express your perfect self to others. People are always after what’s reasonable, and you’re the one that’ll make them see things on a deeper level.

Leo sign symbol


Leo: You are still feeling extra energetic thanks to Mars, and even staying at home can’t stop you. This week, you’ll channel your energy to your creativity and new projects, but if you rush things, you may have some regrets in the end. You have all the time in the world, so try and be more mindful and careful about your projects. Another tip for Leos for the week is isolating themselves from the family members because the energy can turn into anger very easily.


Virgo sign symbol


Virgo: Although this lockdown has been unexpectedly difficult for you, you still manage to get your s**t together, especially on the career/work front. Staying in may be hard, but this alone time will probably bring you more creativity, and since you’re a natural problem solver, people will be begging for your advice on crucial matters. On the bright side, next week, all this intensity will leave its place to a calmer and brighter mind.


Libra sign symbol


Libra: You are going through a period in which you have to balance the good and bad. Financially, you are doing great, but we can’t say the same things about your relationships. You are more sentimental than ever, and it’s turning into an emotional roller-coaster. Try and be thankful for the good stuff in your life. Because negativity will only bring you downer and downer, especially in a time like this.
Sagittarius sign symbol


Sagittarius: If you’re feeling extremely unfocused on pretty much everything, this is the time to stop whining and to work on some solutions. You’re probably having issues with your sleeping pattern, and there are many things that’ll help you with that. If you’re thinking about more alcohol, you’re on the wrong page. Meditation will certainly help you, but if that’swwwwww too hard, there’s always the right mix of herbs that’ll give you a relaxing sleep.


Scorpio sign symbol


Scorpio: Ambition continues to be your motto, but sadly, this is the last week. We don’t need to say it, but if you have any unfinished projects with your work, you’ve got one more week. If you’re at home 24/7, it’s also the perfect time to get things in order. If there are some renovations waiting, you can get working.
Aquarius sign symbol

Aquarius: You may be having some trouble with being alone, especially if you’re working from home. Thankfully, you’re entering a period when people want to help you, so don’t hesitate to ask for help. If you use this extra charm, we see great opportunities with your career.
Capricorn sign symbol


Capricorn: The lockdown is only a little boring for you, and compared to the majority of people, that’s great. This week, things may get even better because your romance path is getting wider. If you’re looking for someone new to flirt, it’s time to be active on the dating apps.
Pisces sign symbol


Pisces: If you’re a hoarder, your life at home might have turned into hell. We know it’s hard to get rid of all the “unnecessary” stuff, but opening up some space in your living is will help a lot with your state of mind. You can do some readings on minimalism, and apply what fits your life the best. Believe us; sometimes, lesser is better.

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